• Full Moon

    5 confessions of a jaded mind

    * Darkness gets a bad rap. It’s the light that blinds you.

    * After a lifetime of study and experimentation, I am definitely an atheist. But if I had to choose one religion, I’d probably opt for paganism.

    * I’d be far more interested in politics if the people who run for office were more principled.

    * I just don’t like white chocolate.

    * If I was a billionaire, I’d gladly sign the giving pledge.

    –Photo by Julie Elliott-Abshire. Used with permission.

  • csa

    A good spicy challenge strikes a balance between flavor and fear. –Adam Richman

    Whenever I chop peppers for a meal, particularly spicy peppers, I make an effort to avoid touching my eyes. This avoidance stems from two occasions when I wasn’t as careful — and you can imagine the end result.

    For a while I wore food-safe gloves, but then I ran out, and well, I haven’t gotten around to picking up another box. I’ve also utilized the plastic bag method, which effectively keeps the capsaicin off my skin but makes the food prep a bit more difficult.

    So I’m back to bare-handing it, only now I’m much more cautious about what I touch afterwards, at least until I’ve had the opportunity to properly wash my hands. And yet, whenever the chopping is underway, my left eye starts to behave irrationally. It is always in that moment, during the dismemberment of the jalapeño for a chili or soup that my eye starts to itch, as if begging to be rubbed.

    The reason for this itch eludes me, but I’m beginning to think my left eye is masochistic.

  • Understanding the refugee crisis in Europe, Syria and around the world

    “When discussing refugees, I often hear, ‘Well, it’s not our problem!’ or ‘We have to take care of our people!’ But we are one species sharing one profoundly interconnected world, and humans — all humans — are our people. And when the oppressed and marginalized die because they are oppressed and marginalized, the powerful are at fault.” –John Green

    Winter is coming, my friends. Click here to help.

  • money

    Giving just a little, and getting so much back

    Whenever I’m financially able, I like to fund projects created by talented people. Over the past year, I’ve backed books, movies, reading programs, reunions, even scientific experiments, including:

    * The Global Family Reunion Festival

    * Embrace – The documentary that will create global change

    * Help Find the Lonely Whale

    * Bring Reading Rainbow Back for Every Child

    Earlier this year, I and 46,991 other fans of actors Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion helped to raise more than $3.1 million to produce a new web series. “Con Man” centers on the post-show life of Wray Nerely (Alan Tudyk), co-star of sci-fi series “Spectrum,” which was canceled before its time and went on to become a cult classic beloved by fans. Wray’s good friend, Jack Moore (Nathan Fillion) starred as the series captain and has become a major celebrity, while Wray hasn’t found his desired level of stardom.

    Yes, Joss Whedon fans, it’s very meta.

    To thank those of us who funded the series, the “Firefly” stars included our names in the credits. Here’s mine:

    con man credits orig

    No, really. I swear. My name is in there! See (click to enlarge):

    con man credits

    Wouldn’t it be great if having your name appear in a show’s credits was enough to warrant your own IMDb page? Ah well, a girl can dream.

    Speaking of dreams, this series is even funnier than I hoped it would be. It features appearances by many of my favorite actors and, as I previously mentioned, I paid to help get this baby off the ground. So, dear friends, please help me spread the word. “Con Man” is available on Vimeo. Check it out.

    Con Man from Con Man Web Series on Vimeo.