It’s hard for me to believe, but this blog has been around for nearly 20 years. It debuted on AOL’s servers in the mid-1990s and has gone through more makeovers than I can count. Jaded Writings has provided me with a platform to share my thoughts and to connect with people all over the world. For those who take the time to read these posts, I thank you.
Many readers also follow me on social media, and they’re often surprised to find that the content I post changes depending on the outlet. For example, on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, I like to share links to news stories/features that catch my eye. I’m far more likely to respond to friends’ Facebook posts with likes/comments because they are people I know personally. On Twitter, however, I tend to share/favorite tweets from colleagues or professionals who are influential in their various fields.
On Tumblr, I publish content on a wide variety of topics. For Aftherthoughts, I post interesting news stories along with images that reflect my personality. On Eccentric Employment, I run want ads for people seeking odd, unique or interesting job opportunities.
My love of reading is featured on Hooked From The First Page, where I highlight books with catchy opening lines, and on the No-Good, Very Bad Title Blog, where I celebrate books that have terrible titles.
When I have time to write proper obits, I post them on The Blog of Death. I turn to The Obituary Forum, a blog for The Society of Professional Obituary Writers, to share news items about the profession of writing about the dead. And on The Blog of Death’s Tumblr, I link to news stories about dying, grief, the death industry and cemeteries.
So where do I find all this content?
I read. A lot.
Here is a quick snapshot of my digital life: (à la NPR Digital Services):
3 daily must-reads
I can’t name just 3. How about 10?
* The New York Times
* The Huffington Post
* The Washington Post
* Los Angeles Times
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Poynter
* Romenesko
* Muck Rack Daily
3 people you follow (online) regularly
* My husband
* Writer Litsa Dremousis
* Journalist John R. Platt
First thing you check in the morning
The blinds, to see if the sun is still out. When I finally get around to turning on my computer, though, the first thing I check is my email. Then I hit
Last thing you check at night
A book on my Kindle or the latest print novel I’m reading.
Favorite news consumption time saver
Go-to local news source
Your most used mobile reporting tool or app
News alerts from Breaking News and The Associated Press
Words of wisdom for news organization as they go forward with their digital efforts
It’s great to be first. Aim for that. But it’s better to be right.