
In a moderate amount of pain, yet so grateful

I suffered through 21 migraines this summer, several of which lasted for days at a time. These vicious headaches were often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, blurry vision or blindness, dizziness, muscle fatigue or fever, or a combination of all of these symptoms.

Each hot June, July and August day left me filled with pain — or filled with dread that the pain would return. It was a miserable way to live and there were moments when I just didn’t want to bother anymore.

Then Autumn arrived and the temperatures dropped and the weight of misery lifted from my shoulders. Four weeks passed without a single migraine. Four whole weeks. It was fucking awesome.

Although a migraine attached itself to my brain last night, I know this moment of suffering will be short-lived. And I am so unbelievably grateful that the next few months will be relatively pain-free.

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