
Facts are your brain. Beliefs are your heart.

Here are some of the things that I wholeheartedly believe. I’m not saying they’re based on facts or even rationality. They’re just my beliefs and, of course, some of them can/will change over time.

I believe:

* Everyone should look up at the sky, often, and marvel at its beauty.

* Pie is one of the best comfort foods. See also: Tea, chocolate.

* One should read widely. We all have our favorite types of books — I tend to favor the genres — but it’s also a good idea to read stories that are utterly unfamiliar. Doing so will broaden your horizons, allow you to feel empathy for strangers and perhaps even teach you a thing or two. Reading from a wide variety of authors and subjects may also open new pathways for you to follow so dive down those rabbit holes and see where they lead.

* It’s better to have a house with lots of storage (closets, shelves, pantries) than wide, open-concept spaces. Unless you have kids.

* Storage units are good for times of transition. But, if you have to buy a storage unit because your home isn’t big enough to hold all your stuff, it’s time to either donate some stuff or buy/rent a bigger/better-designed house.

* You can never leave too large a tip for a person who has served you well.

* Everyone should have free access to a home, good food, education, a local library, a clean environment and health care.

* The moment a car starts, all phones should automatically disable texting options. And if a driver has become impaired by drugs or alcohol, the steering wheel should lock in place.

* We, as a society, should come up with alternative responses to sneezes. “You are so good looking!” from “Seinfeld” is fun. When I sneeze while cooking with spices/peppers, I generally go with “Chipotle!”

* Every nation on the planet should have a 100% literacy rate.

* Four-day workweeks are vastly superior to five-day workweeks. You need that extra day to decompress/run errands/etc., before “the weekend” actually starts.

* Growing older is a privilege and we should relish it. (Okay, not the weird pains or the one-day-closer-to-death part, but the rest of it is cool with me.) This is just another way of saying, I love my wisdom tinsel (a.k.a. gray hairs).

* Kindness is my ideal default position. I aim for it and often attain it, but sometimes it’s a struggle!

* Time should stop whenever a pet snuggles against you. This is a precious form of trust and love and it should be enjoyed without guilt or limited by other obligations.

* Time should also stop when I’m reading. Or sleeping. I guess what I’m trying to say is… I want more time!

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