Believe mug from Ted Lasso

I believe in believe

I had zero interest in watching “Ted Lasso.” As someone who’s not a sports fan, I couldn’t imagine viewing an entire series about soccer… err, football.

Then, M gave me the go-ahead.

This is one of the perks of being married for a long time that’s rarely mentioned in movies or novels. When you’ve been together for years or decades, your partner knows your likes and dislikes, and can usually act as a guide for the unfamiliar. For example, I’m constantly trying out new recipes and making M taste-test them (the creamy cajun-spiced chicken pasta dish that was recently featured in The New York Times was a real hit). And he will often watch shows or movies and then let me know if I should see ’em too. Sometimes, he’ll discover a program, watch a few minutes, realize that we should watch it together and then wait to see the rest of it. How sweet is that?

Anyway, he told me to view at least two or three episodes of “Ted Lasso” and then make up my mind about the show. I have now watched the entire series three times. It is just so brilliantly written and acted. It’s also full of kindness and joy, which as we all know, has been in short supply these past few years.

M loved the show so much that he dressed up as Ted Lasso for Halloween in 2022. He even shaved his beard to make the costume work, which was a real hoot.

Part of M’s costume was the cup you see above, featuring Ted’s famous BELIEVE sign. It is currently my favorite mug for tea. I love the size — large — and the lip at the top which makes spillage less likely. But it’s the message that I’m clinging to as I explore this next phase of life.

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