5 weird facts about my cats

I once saw Pepper eat a small spider in a single gulp. She then walked around the house with the spider’s web entangled in her whiskers as though she was wearing an Olympic gold medal.

Like a velociraptor from “Jurassic Park,” Treacle can open doors. This is a very dangerous skill because Treacle also likes to eat cords — which we keep hidden behind closed doors.


Pepper, Treacle, Chai, Trifle and Choux
Pepper, Treacle, Chai, Trifle and Choux


Several times of the day, Chai will walk into a room, demand that I pat her booty and then flip over onto the carpet so I can do the job properly.

Trifle came to us when she was a wee kitten and has been raised with all three of her sisters. Yet she’s the only one who continues to suck a blanket and knead like she’s nursing her ghost mom.

Choux snores like a buzzsaw. It’s fantastic.

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